
The “Anveshi” is a Indian Telugu-language mystery thriller film written and directed by V. J. Khanna, and produced by T. Ganapathy Reddy under the banner Aruna Sree Entertainments. The film was released in theater on November 17, 2023. Here we’re going to talk about the important parts of this movie includes the story/plot, release date, trailer, where to watch and the talented cast in it. Read our review to know how the film fares.

Anveshi Telugu movies watch online


  • Movie Name: Anveshi
  • Release Date : November 17, 2023
  • Starring:Ananya Nagalla, Vijay Dharan Datla, Simran Gupta, Ajay Ghosh and othersavi, satyasri, Immanuel, Rajamouli
  • Director: V J Khanna
  • Producer: T Ganapati Reddy
  • Music Director: Chaitan Bharadwaj
  • Cinematographer: K K Rao
  • Editor: Karthika Srinivas
  • Related Links : Trailer


On the advice of her father at the request of her father, Dr. Anu (Ananya Nagalla) sets up a hospital in the hometown and provides medical services to the residents. In a bizarre incident the hospital burns down which leads to the deaths of Anu as well as her father. Within a couple of days, a string of murders are committed near the place where the hospital of Anu was. Vikram (Vijay Dharan Datla) starts his search for the answers to the murders. Who was the culprit? What did Vikram undertake to discover the truth? This is the gist of the tale.


The cast of Anveshi movie are not big list but full of talented actors. You’ve got famous stars working with new faces, and they all do a great job. Every character feels real, which makes the story even better. With all these talented people in the movie, it’s no wonder Varshal is going to be a big success. The cast delivers solid performances, with standing out in their roles.

Technical Aspects

Chaitan Bharadwaj’s background music is fascinating. Cinematographer KK Rao’s visuals look amazing, and make the film more valuable. The editing is good. Producer Ganapathy Reddy directed the film without deviating from the budget. Director VJ Khanna handled the action scenes and the climax with a perfect style but he fell short with the rest of the episodes completely.


In the end Anveshi is a weak thriller. While the main actors Vijay Dharan Datla, Simran Gupta and Ananya Nagalla all did well however, the film lacks a strong screenplay and the pace is incredibly slow. This is why Anveshi is an extremely disappointing film.


Where to Watch

The Anveshi movie is full of entertainment and you can enjoy at theaters but if you can miss then go to ott platforms. The Prime Video offers watch and download full movie after getting their subscription plans. The best part of ott is to watch your favorite movie anywhere or anytime with your local languages including Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, English, Kannada and more.


What is the release date of the Anveshi movie?

The movie was released on November 17, 2023

Who directed the Anveshi movie?

The movie directed by V J Khanna.

Who are the main actors in the movie of Anveshi?

‘Anveshi’ main actors includes Ananya Nagalla, Vijay Dharan Datla, Simran Gupta, Ajay Ghosh and othersavi, satyasri, Immanuel, Rajamouli

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